DIY Navy Bathroom Decorating Ideas
How to make cute navy bathroom decorations. Today we'll show you amazing decorating ideas that help you to craft a whipped cream shaped soap dispenser, a starfish decorated mirror, a cute candle holder, an incredible toothbrush beaker and convenient towel holder. These incredible items will add a splash of bright colors to your bathroom and help create a unique style of your own!
Check out the video above to learn how to make your own!
We'll start with a whipped cream shaped soap dispenser.
Make this hot glue ornament. Start with the bottom. Let it cool.
Apply the next row a bit higher. Let each row dry.
The melting glue looks like whipped cream.
Let’s prepare a top. Take a dispenser pump.
Mark the top center. Make a hole using a hot glue gun.
This is it!
Now paint it white.
Take the hot glue gun and twine. Press down the twine with the pump and attach to the top circle wise.
Let’s color the craft. Start with yellow and continue as you wish.
The multicolored soap dispenser will match any bath decor.

Now let’s add a starfish decorated mirror.
Take a big felt square and a sink mat for a frame.
Hot glue the mat to the felt turning down the fabric edges.
Cut off the corners to avoid crumpling and continue.
Attach a double-sided tape to the back of the mirror.
Press over well.
Attach a rope around the edge and continue circle wise.
When you reach the frame edge, unravel the rope to make such a loop. Then continue gluing.
Now cut it off.
Touch the protruding parts of starfish with paint.
Choose the places on the frame where the starfish will be attached.
Color the sides. You can add some more color.
We hope you’ll enjoy looking in the funny starfish mirror every morning.

Now let’s make a soft bath mat. Oh, it’s like walking on grass.
We’ll need knitted fabric.
Cut out one-inch wide strips across the entire length. We’ll need a lot.
Pass a long strip through the mat holes.
Cut the rest of the strips into small pieces.
Put a small strip into a hole and tie a knot. You’ll get these lovely bows.
So fluffy!
Make a HEY wording using yellow and pink fabric pieces.
This is it! It’s so sweet and soft, just a feast for your feet!

The next item will be a cute candle holder for a cozy evening.
We’ll need gouache, water and fine salt.
Pour water into a small cup and add paint.
Pour the colored water into the salt and mix well.
Replace the salt onto thick paper to dry.
Repeat for the other paints. The more colors, the better.
So we’ve got blue, light green, pink, purple, yellow.
Sift the dry salt, each color separately.
Take a small bubble bowl glass vase.
Pour the salt in layers. Use a spoon.
Combine contrasting colors. Add a candle.
Perfect! The vivid rainbow colored candle holder will help create a cozy atmosphere in your bathroom.

And here it is a simple and convenient towel holder.
Cover it both inside and outside.
To measure out the rope just wrap it around the can and cut out a bit more.
Attach the rope from the bottom circle wise.
Now you can paint it. Choose different color for each layer. Free your imagination to get a multicolor craft.
Wow! We’ve got a really eye-catching towel holder.
And at last we’ll make an incredible toothbrush beaker.
Take aquarium gravel. Put some gravel inside.
Now add some shells and pebbles. You can add some colored beach glass.
And the gravel again.
Done! This smart beaker will keep your toothbrushes safe and secure.
We hope all the decorating items we’ve made today will add a splash of bright colors to your bathroom and help create a unique style of your own.
Materials we used for this project: Soap dispenser:- glass jar with a screw-top;
- hot melt glue sticks;
- twine;
- acrylic paints;
- white spray paint;
- soap dispenser pump.
- round mirror;
- cotton rope;
- hot glue gun and sticks;
- dense felt fabric of a light hue;
- sink mat;
- acrylic paints.
- knitted fabric (5’x5’ - blue fabric, 1.5’x1.5’– yellow fabric, a bit of pink);
- elastic bath mat;
- scissors.
- gouache;
- fine salt;
- small bubble bowl glass vase;
- sifter.
- big can;
- white spray paint;
- cotton rope;
- hot glue gun;
- hot melt glue sticks;
- acrylic paints.
- colored aquarium gravel;
- shells;
- smack sea pebbles;
- colored beach glass;
- beaker.